- Educational classes are emphasized during your stay in recovery. You may be in denial about the nature of your illness or unsure about permanently ending your addiction in the early stages of recovery.
The instructional sessions are designed to help you look at your addiction honestly and realistically and learn about healthy methods to regulate your triggers and modify your behavior.
Various treatments are used throughout your recovery to help you fight your cravings, avoid relapses, and maintain your sobriety for the rest of your life.
- Individual addiction therapy consists of one-on-one sessions with a health practitioner. During these sessions, you’ll examine yourself, your addiction, and the psychological effects of your addiction. This personal education may be a great tool in your healing process.
In addition, your therapist will assist you in identifying your addiction triggers. The therapist will show you how to cope with (or remove) them in a healthy rather than harmful way after you’ve discovered them.
Your therapist will also assist you in determining what causes your addiction. The therapist will show you how to cope with (or remove) them in a healthy rather than harmful manner after you’ve discovered them.
Your therapist will also assist you in determining what causes your addiction. The therapist will show you how to cope with (or remove) them in a healthy rather than harmful manner after you’ve discovered them.