Learn 7 Steps on How to Become a Life Coach

Your services should be priced.

If you’re thinking about becoming a life coach, you’re probably wondering, “How much do life coaches make?”


It’s tough to quantify the worth of assisting people in making positive changes in their life. However, this is a company, and you must determine the value of your time in order to charge people appropriately.

Spend money on continued education.

Just like doctors must continue their education to stay competent and learn about new methods, life coaches should seek out skill-building opportunities to stay at the top of their game and provide the best service possible to their customers.

The quantity of continuing education required will vary depending on your area of specialization, but all life coaches should keep up on their reading and attend seminars, conferences, and retreats relevant to their expertise. Being involved in the life coach community is the greatest way to learn about continuing education options. Inquire with other coaches about how they learn new skills and approaches, or look for communities on Facebook or LinkedIn.

What does it take to become a life coach?

As previously stated, becoming a life coach does cost money, whether you choose to earn a certification or attend training sessions. To get your firm off the ground, you’ll need to invest in a variety of things. To begin, a certification might cost anywhere from $1,000 to $8,000, which can be a hefty upfront investment for a new business. Second, if you join a professional network, such as the International Coach Federation, you will be charged a monthly fee.


Other things to consider are whether you will pay for a physical venue to meet with clients or if you will operate entirely online. Having an office space will incur hefty costs. Aside from the rent, you’ll have to furnish the area, possibly pay for parking, and more.

In conclusion

Becoming a life coach can be a very rewarding yet challenging professional choice. It takes a certain mentality (Quint describes herself as a “human can opener” for the way she gets people to open up), a background in coaching and business, and the perspective that helping others is a means to generate money, just like any other employment.