5. Academic Qualifications
Rankings of law schools, Law Review membership, law school identities, academic employment as law professors or adjunct faculty, and academic prizes are all indicators of significant intellectual achievements, intelligence, determination, and devotion to criminal justice. Again, you could request a copy of their resumes.
6. Is the company engaged in a great deal of advertising
Finally, marketing is a fact of life for most legal offices, particularly those that handle DUIs and other criminal cases. On the other hand, firms that market excessively has a larger volume, lower reputations, and may not be the greatest option for you. Nobody wants to engage a firm only to discover that they are a “mill.” You can find out how much advertising or other marketing they do by looking online and elsewhere. It would help if you also inquired as to which lawyers would be managing your case.
You want to hire the greatest attorneys with the most integrity, powerful firms, and the best reputations. These few simple questions may assist you in making your decision.