Learn 17 Reasons Your Weight Loss Attempts Aren’t Working

Food Choices

The health halo effect affects many people who are trying to lose weight. That is, they consume much too many calories from foods they believe to be healthful. Avocados, for example, are high in good fat.


Avocados, as a high-fat meal, are also inherently calorically dense. Therefore portion control is essential. Remember that any food ingested in excess of your caloric demands will produce weight gain, regardless of how nutritious it is.

Intense Workouts

Believe it or not, your workout could be the reason you aren’t losing weight. Some programs, like CrossFit, may be detrimental to your weight loss program if they cause you to take too much time off or, worse, cause injury. Attempt to engage in some physical activity during the week. That means you should combine moderate exercise with high-intensity fat burners.

Non-Exercise Activity Level

You are not benefiting from NEAT if your fat-burning Tabata session exhausts you to the point where you spend the rest of the day on the couch. Thermogenesis from non-exercise activity can account for up to 2000 calories burned each day. Make an effort to stay active during the day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, carry your own groceries, and stand when talking on the phone. Everything adds up.

Stress-Induced Inactivity

Some people move in response to stress. Others, on the other hand, turn to the couch in times of distress. Allow yourself to rest if you are going through a difficult time. However, to receive support and keep active, try incorporating simple workouts with a friend.


Lack of Sleep

The act of dieting alone might induce tension and weariness. Even if your weight reduction program isn’t to blame, daily weariness is likely to interfere with your workouts and NEAT.

Learn how to sleep better to lose weight. To obtain a better night’s sleep, take simple actions like charging your phone in the kitchen or altering the lighting in your bedroom.

Physical Factors

Thyroid disorders, for example, can have an impact on your daily calorie expenditure. The number of calories you burn is also affected by factors such as age and heredity. Discuss with your doctor the factors that influence your metabolism. There are several things you can do to help it along.