What other ways do therapists assist sad people and their loved ones?
Support and involvement from family and friends can be invaluable in assisting someone who is depressed. Individuals in the “support system” can assist a depressed loved one by encouraging him or her to remain with treatment and apply the coping mechanisms and problem-solving skills learned in psychotherapy.
Living with someone who is sad can be extremely tough and stressful for family members and friends. The agony of watching a loved one suffer from depression can leave you feeling helpless and bereft.
Family or marital therapy may be good in bringing all those affected by depression together and assisting them in learning appropriate strategies to deal with it together. This sort of psychotherapy can also provide an excellent opportunity for people who have never experienced depression to learn more about it and develop positive strategies to support a loved one who is depressed.
Are antidepressant medicines effective?
Medications can be quite effective in lowering depression symptoms in some people, especially in cases of mild to severe depression. Some doctors who treat depression may recommend a mix of psychotherapy and medication. Because of the risks, any medicine must be closely monitored by the doctor who prescribed it.
Some people who are depressed may prefer psychotherapy to medicine, especially if their depression is not severe. A certified and trained mental health practitioner can help offer recommendations about an appropriate course of treatment for an individual’s depression by completing a complete assessment. Depression can severely impede a person’s capacity to operate in daily life. However, the chances of recovery for depressed people who seek adequate professional help are relatively good. Those suffering from depression can recover control of their lives by engaging with a trained and experienced therapist.