Most people’s largest investment in their lives is in the construction of a new home.

Prospective house buyers want to make sure they get it right because it is such a major decision. Before choosing paint colors and carpet samples, you must first choose the best home builder for your needs and situation. RWC knows a thing or two about builders, having worked with them for over 40 years and administering warranties on over 3.7 million homes. We believe that the ten suggestions below are a fantastic place to begin your search.
Is it Possible to Build?
Before you start this process, get a construction mortgage preapproval from a mortgage institution. It validates your budget and financial reliability to builders and realtors.
Determine Your Requirements.
Determine the type of home you want and need, as well as the amount of money you want to spend. Most builders “specialize” to some extent, building in a specific price range or type of home. Are you a first-time homebuyer, a move-up, an empty-nester, or finally building your ideal house? Whatever category you’re in, look for builders who meet your requirements.
Make your point.
You want to compare builders and what they can offer, so be as specific as possible about what you expect from them. If you truly desire hardwood floors or an all-season sunroom but fail to indicate that your potential builder will be unable to offer you the necessary information.
Look for Prior Experience.
How long has the company been in operation? How long have its founders been building houses? It is critical to hire a seasoned professional builder. Don’t be afraid to inquire about their previous actions. RWC Did you know that RWC approves builders based in part on their experience? We’ve already done part of the legwork for you if your Builder is an RWC Member.
What is their “Happiness Quotient”?
If you plan to construct in a neighborhood, consult with the neighbors. Are they happy with their house? Would they hire the same contractor to build another house? Would they refer their Builder to a friend or family member? How does the Builder’s service rate? How well do they communicate? Is the Builder responsive in a reasonable time frame if there is a problem with the home? Ask the Builder for references from prior home buyers if you’re building on a strewn lot.
Licensing and insurance are required.
Some states have rules or regulations governing builder licenses, but not all. If your state requires it, make certain that the Builder you choose has the necessary licensing. In addition, request proof that he has the necessary insurance to protect his organization, his staff, and you in the event of a loss or accident.