Learn the Advantages of an International Accredited Degree

There are several advantages for both universities and students/graduates:

Accredited Degrees

1. University International Accreditation

Academic excellence is recognized. Accreditation provides an international mark of ‘good practice,’ allowing for broad comparability among high-performing institutions and assuring employers that graduates have the necessary skills and knowledge (therefore increasing graduate competitiveness in the global jobs market).

Increased opportunities for recruitment. Potential students can be assured that they will be studying a course that meets a set of criteria established by bioscience professionals independent of the University.

Accreditation was informed by international reports on employer needs and developed in collaboration with industry experts. Employers value accredited degree programs and the graduates who complete them.

An external program review and a mechanism for driving change within an institution. Degree accreditation not only evaluates degree programs but also shares and promotes best practices.

Your degree(s) will be evaluated as part of the application process by senior academics who may suggest improvements to the program as well as highlight existing areas of excellence. As a result, universities that have undergone an assessment have highlighted the accreditation process as being extremely beneficial in and of itself.

2. International Student and Graduate Accreditation

Increased employability and competitiveness in a crowded global job market.The accreditation program creates a profile of key skills that bioscience employers can look for in graduates from accredited programs.

Many employers use evidence-based recruitment processes, and graduates will have evidence of education, training, and assessment in a wide range of subject-specific and transferable skills (e.g., as provided to the RSB by Learned Societies).

Accreditation by a professional body of their degree stands out to employers, demonstrates that degrees have been assessed and improved through the accreditation process, and provides additional evidence of graduates’ knowledge and skills.