Learn How to Find the Best Essential Oil Diffuser for You

Characteristics of a Good Diffuser

Don’t get too caught up in the price: You should look for a diffuser that is easy to clean and has a timer built-in so that you can discharge the appropriate amount of oil. The time increments might last an hour or more, and they can be set to cycle on for 10 minutes and then off for 10 minutes. “A good diffuser will disseminate enough aroma in under 30 minutes to scent a room,” adds Gillerman. “You can then get overexposed and irritate your breathing passages.” Here are 30 brilliant ways to use essential oils around the house.


The Real Deal on Car Diffusers

Are you thinking about buying a car diffuser? Gillerman strongly warns against it. Instead, put essential oils “on your body, not in your automobile” if you want to enjoy them throughout the day. They gather up hazardous scents known as ‘new vehicle smell’ or off-gas from synthetic materials in your automobile and magnify their detrimental effects.”

How much money will you need to spend?

You must decide what is best for you and your budget. Suppose you intend to use the diffuser for a long time. In that case, Libby Vlasic, a clinical aromatherapist and certified essential oil instructor and faculty member at The New York Institute of Aromatic Studies in New York, New York, suggests investing in something strong. She suggests ArOmis. “ArOmis is a wonderful investment if you’re going to use it regularly because it’s glass and wood and uses vibration to distribute the molecules in the essential oils,” she explains. “However, if you only intend to use it for a short period and can avoid heating components and plastic materials, a less expensive model would suffice.”

How to Make the Most of Your Diffuser

After plugging in the device, fill the tank with water (other diffusers, such as ArOmis, do not require water) and 10-15 drops of oil. Set the timer, press the power button, and relax. Most devices’ instructions will tell you how long they can run until the tank runs dry.