Learn How to Find a Suspended License Lawyer Near Me

Keeping your driver’s license current is a huge responsibility. Driving is not a right; rather, it is a privilege provided to you by the state in which you reside.

When Can My Driver’s License Be Suspended or Revoked, and What Is the Difference?

This permission is temporarily revoked when your driver’s license is suspended. When your driver’s license is revoked, the suspension is permanent, as your driver’s license is no longer valid.

A suspended license is temporary, and it can only be reinstated when a certain period has passed or by taking the proper measures to unsuspend the license. License suspensions can be for a set amount of time or for an indefinite period during which particular requirements must be satisfied to regain the license. A revoked license is permanent and is no longer valid. It is sometimes feasible for someone to obtain a new license after revoking their old one, but this is not always the case.

A person’s driver’s license may be suspended or revoked for various reasons. Unpaid traffic tickets; a DUI charge or conviction; reckless driving; fleeing the scene of an accident; presenting fake license plates; failing to respond to court summons; making false statements or presenting false information on DMV applications and forms; multiple traffic violations; failing to make child support payments, or lack of auto insurance are some examples.

It is critical to verify with your state’s DMV to determine which specific offenses may result in license suspension or revocation. They will also be able to tell you what measures your state allows you to take to resolve the suspension or revocation. Driving rules differ from state to state, and the examples above are only broad guidelines.

Is it possible to get in trouble driving when my license is suspended or revoked, and what are the penalties?

Each state has its own set of driving laws that vary. Furthermore, the consequences for driving with a suspended or revoked driver’s license differ by state. The punishments vary significantly, but because driving without a driver’s license is a serious infraction, fines, jail time, or both are usually imposed. Furthermore, most states have a penalty scheme dependent on whether the offense is isolated or recurrent.

For example, in the state of Arizona, driving with a suspended or revoked license is likely to result in a Class One Misdemeanor, which carries a six-month prison sentence and the risk of having your vehicle seized. In Indiana, it is classified as a Class Six Felony, punishable by imprisonment for six months to two years, a fine of no more than $10,000, or both.

If your driver’s license has already been suspended or revoked, driving without a license would further aggravate the problem. If you are driving when your license is suspended, this activity may revoke your license. As a result, if you are pulled over while driving with a suspended or revoked license, you may face large penalties and additional jail time.